So we created our first video screencast yesterday (which was tons of fun and like first class morons it slipped our collective minds to capture our own process on camera, but hey! there'll be loads to come) and we'll host this on TechSutras and here. The way we're thinking this will pan (itself) out is that on TechSutras we will cover all things technology and of interest to tech enthusiasts and content that is media-specific will wiggle its way into Media Mantra's blog as well. We imagine the audience for TechSutras to be larger, spanning various aspects of technology and its levels, people who want to stay current and updated. The audience for Media Mantras will be more specific to the the digital media scene on the Internet and people looking for specific solutions to their specific problems and queries (how to make money out of their videos, or which hosting services are available for uploading their content etc.)
Our intention is to get content-rich and be a one-stop source of all technology-related movement in the industry.
Our intention is to get content-rich and be a one-stop source of all technology-related movement in the industry.
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